Thursday, May 05, 2011

Pre menstruation symptoms

Emotionally unstable i tend to loose spirits to live. I woke up late and not feeling like going to work everyday.

I woke up every day at different time. today i woke up very late and i went out from home at 8.10 am in the morning. not healthy at all. hahhaha 3rd week at work and coming in late? so not healthy!

I texted some people these days and they did not reply. so I never text back ever since. ohh yes I'm offended and yes call me emotional.

I extremely long for things. ridiculous one. ayork! shame shame shame. don't dare to spill. heee.

I crave for McD everyday. everyday feel like eating ayam spicy mcD and milo large one! huhh. pohkai! I almost lose it this evening, was very much close to drive to McD ampang again like the other day but then few seconds later my senses just got back up in me. RM 14 saved. Lord, thank you for that.

Gaji isn't in yet. it is 5th already still not in.haprak! pretty frustrating! but I'm new. I shall say no words ~ speaking impressions. just wait and observe. huhh.

I am craving for lots of thing. I drink coke a lot. I dream chocolate everyday. I want meatball from Ikea so badly! ugh.

I'm turning into a monster. food monster. bahhaha hell no! the answer was quite simple and constant. period! ughhh.

kemas-kemas dan cabut dari office tepat pada 5.30 ptg. balik dan mandi sebersih-bersihnya dan makan. and then snacking some more rocky stick ~ wahhh lega ~ ;D

those who don't really understand the chronology of this post here. worry not. and don't try to understand it. because you won't...

this is just symptoms of the disease i constantly have every single month. cheers!

p/s : tomorrow lunch would be nasi ayam pedas gila sri damansara utama or ayam spicy mcD plus large milo for dinner yeayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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