Tuesday, May 10, 2011

25th birthday.

my birth date. 9th of May.

so yesterday was my birthday. few years ago, I had a plan. I planned to have a grand birthday party hosted by myself for family and closest friends of mine to celebrate my birthday...

Little did I know that I would be broke on my 25th birthday. I mean broke enough to host a grand party! phewws!

it was a Monday-birthday. did not feel like a birthday at all yaww.

I had meeting at 10 am in the morning. ended up almost 12 in the noon. then later, done some emailing, last minute notices and all, before rushed out to Cyberjaya to meet up with partners I mean business partner at 1.30 pm.

I didn't have any fancy meals at all. I just had a drink at pappa rich ; pappa mocha costed 6 ringgit, paid by Mr Kumar. thank you so much Sir! *perfect birthday gift durhhh hahaha*

meeting ended around 1630, rushed back to KL and my superior said I can go back home early. *another perfect birthday gift!*

owwhhh have to mention this, i got free voice call maxis to maxis remember??? I didn't even have time to call. and even more better when finally I was free to call, nobody picked up! blerghhhh! parfait parfait!

and this one sister of mine did not wish me, thank you very much sister. you made your point!

ohh and some important people in my life [used to be..i got to say,] did not even remember my birthday I think, I strongly think so! thank you for that also.

back at home, another sister of mine was there with her kid. well I think it was more like a 'birthday visit' kinda sweet. thanks!

my mama. she learned how to bake lately. she baked a red velvet cake and moist choc cake for me. the cake was horribly ugly must say but taste sumpah sedap! I'm overwhelmed and the kids were so happy because Tia was there on Monday, something so rare to happen before hahaha. we had fun eating ohh yes we do! :D

of all those moments happening on the May 9th, 2011 I could never forget just one thing up and foremost. the feeling when my IBU kissed me four times on my both cheeks. It was intensely genuine and full of love i could not express. it was like she wouldn't wanted to let go off me, till i have to say 'dah lah Bu..banyaknya nak cium' hahahhaa. I was superbly overwhelmed by that! i love my mom... :)

p/s : dear you, that i expected a lot on my birthday....i am not mad at you. i shouldn't be. i'm a bit frustrated yes, but why ~ shouldn't be also! only, it's good to know now. where did you stand in my life then, where would you stand next in my life and most obviously where do I STAND in yours.

p/s : birthday presents are yet to come from zaza, my sister ayu, my nieces and nephews..hhehe ohhh so good to have family after all! all that matters!

p/s : grand birthday party will still be hosted. ermmm let say next year and adding up another important guest to that party; BOYFRIEND! huewhuewhuew! owhh thinking..... better have two separate party. one decent party for all my lovely family and lovely friends, another should be vain one; guests include boyfriend and girlfriends! hahahahha no wonder lah plan suka tak jadi, sebab selalu ada hidden agenda jeh. wheewwws! ;P

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