Friday, October 01, 2010

perempuan ; decent yes, fool is a NO NO!

I had just come back from sending my sister's car to the car wash. actually it has been quite some time since i last go to car wash. have been thinking actually ' why don't basuh sendiri dan kemudian claim upah dari kakak'..but then again awal-awal pagi kakak dah bagi upah..if yet i do the washing and claim upah..itu agak kelihatan 'bagi betis mintak paha' hahahah.

ohh but the focus of this story here is not about me..nor the upah.not even close.

so then i went..

there were like four guys. 'ok drive in drive in' he said...[ i presume he said drive in la hahaha he was speaking i just guessed hahahha ]

so i drove in. got out and waited.they snow splashed the car..wipe and wipe and wipe...then water spla
shed it..'wait a sec! i thought...not even like one minute?bersih ke tak tuh??that car almost berbulan tak cuci..'

he drove the car out..they did vacuum..t
hey wiped...and then..'ini kunci..sudah siap'

WALLAHH~!!! finished just like that..very
fast???? i thought....'hold on...not so fast!' so i walked to the car....keened eyes on it.. and i thought 'sorry..not wonderful.this have to be redone.they have to redo.'

dan lelaki itu tak bersetuju.instead he said..'ini memang takbley hilang..u kene polish..dan membebel macam-macam lagi menunjukkan kepa
ndaian [ almaklum mungkin sudah terlalu lama berkecimpung di bisnes cuci kereta jadi sudah boleh menunjuk pandai..mungkin dengan memikirkan..apa perempuan muda macam kau tahu pasal car wash ]

me : no..tapi u cuci cepat sangat lahh..i don't think kotor dia hilang

him : sudah..sudah cuci ~

me : tak mau. ni tak bersih nih

him : sudah..sudah cuci [ my god tolong lah faham 'suda
h cuci sudah cuci..perkataan ni jeh keh dia tahu..pening lah! ]. ini tak bley hilang...[and then pointing to another stain..] yg ni bley.

me : okay..mana yang boleh u hilangkan.

him : ok..ok..ok..

they keep on wiping..wiping..then

'sudah siap'..and yet still i hesitated.i walked by the car.i touched the body.i got clear-black-dark dirt on my finger! haaah~!

me : tengok...habuk tak hilang.macam mana u cuci??

him : [ suara ada takot2 sket..yess!hahaha ] ok..ok..ok..

me : u kene buat balik.cuci balik.

him : buat balik aaaa?? ok..ok..ok..

they bring back the car into the place...dan mulalah
terdengar dan terlihat wajah-wajah penuh expression dengan sign ' kami tidak puas hati. kau perempuan cerewet!' though they were speaking in language that i don't understand...body language does tells! i got it...but then..' ada aku kesah ~?'

but they did not wash it.they just wiped.itu sangat mengundang kemarahan.

me : u buat apa??tak cuci.

him n them : *blank face buat2 tak dengar keep on wiping.*

me : [pointed my dust-covered finger..] this is unacceptable okay ~ u have to basuh balik. i nak u cuci balik..

him : okay...okay..okay..
and they wash it all the wiping..the polishing thing again. and still 'mengumpat di dalam bahasa ibunda' dan membuat aksi muka yang seperti perli-perli.

me : u cuci tak bersih.people come to car wash nak cuci kasi bersih.kalau macam ni i cuci sendiri lagi bersih okay.bila orang suruh cuci mesti cuci bersih-bersih. [layann..bebel dah mak cik haaa ~]

they finished.then i paid them 8. and drove by.

wasn't it sickening???menghantar kereta untuk dicuci.tetapi mendapat balik kereta yang cuciannya lebih teruk dari cucian anak buah berumur 8 tahun!habuk tebal berwarna hitam diatas jari hasil dari sebuah kereta yang sudah di car washed is very awfully unacceptable!

so time ke car wash. have keen eyes.Rm 8 for car wash is an issue.make sure no compromise.

monitor their works.walk by your car several times.biar kan diorang sampai rimas.that is the they know 'jangan main-main' with you.

when they finished. go and run your finger onto your car. 'find evidence for war!..hahaha'. no make sure it is done properly.

repeat these words 'saya nak u cuci bersih-bersih dalam and luar.bersih-bersih okay'

be fussy dan tunjukkan muka yang agak-agak garang.

always know your rights.because consumer is always right.use that your war.if you think they have to do it.then make them do all means.make them.

you don't have to sound arrogant or cocky.just talk with firm tone.make it sound very firm but try to avoid yelling and bad wordings because howe
ver it is..we still wanna keep the feminism.we still wanna look beautiful okay.

p/s : another problem i faced. bengkel kereta.selalu akan cuba ditipu dan diperlekehkan.before you go for bengkel.check with you guy friends or your dad or your i always did.i always called my brother.get all the information i should know about the car problem.then go to the at least you know the benchmark for the price and the works need to be done on your n
ot ever leave your car behind.have keen eyes.never let them do anything to your car without first checking with you.or else they will charge god-knows-what fees in your bill.never agrees too don't wanna be cheated and worst diketawakan dibelakang bila sudah membayar amount berganda-ganda pada barang yang langsung tidak rosak dan more nonsense.

always keep in mind.we are female.we should be soft spoken, decent and graceful hell yeah but a FOOL.

be a superowman.yeahhh ;P

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