Sunday, October 03, 2010

what? why? how? !!!!!!!!!

about two years the and my family were just having tea at home.enjoying the goreng pisang panas and hot nescafe and so on.and then someone started to play 'teka-teki'.i don't remember who actually initiated we took after another asking some craps and more craps.laughed it out and just living up those moments.

and then.there went 'kakak'.my niece aged
9..the daughter of my abang was her turn to she went like ~

this is kakak now at 11. = D

kakak : okay soalannya...SHELL, PETRONAS,.....lepas tuh ape??? ;P

: esso?

kakak : salah...

: caltex!!!!!!

kakak : salah....

: BP....

kakak : bukan..bukan..bukan...give up..??? [chehhh baget je orang give up lah kan??..haha]

stressed up~!

all wrong??. damn-it.what else of known petrol station that we have?? never mind-ed.we kept trying.ohh may be we have missed out some other less-branded petrol station?? try once more come on~!!!

kakak : cepat la cakap give up.

: no way.try okay caltex? esso? bp? ermm mcdonalds?? [ dan2 mcD siot.hahaha ]

kakak : bukan bukan bukan.semua salah.


okay.we gave up.shoot! answer come so simple yet so susah tuh?? can anyone of you guess??? hahahhaha better don' she went like ~

kakak : shell...petronas...lepas tuh??? lepas tuh BALAI POLIS lahhh... ;P

whattaaheck balai polis???!!!

kakak : ye lahh...yang kat highway nak pegi rumah kakak tuh..kan nampak tak??ada shell..sebelah dia petronas...pastuh sebelah dia ada balai polis.



patut kah this question ???!!!

anyway we went HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH ohhh my goodness! [ actually it was very like 'kepala hotak betul punya soalan'..kind of expression ~! ] what thrills it was to answer that kind of total crap! and yet kakak was very proud of herself LOLZ coz nobody ever get ~! let her be.

children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.

- quoted : Richard L. Evans -

p/s : if you ever have nieces like mine.the key is.

or if you going to have soon.then grow your patience from now.hahahhahaa

i really hope everyone who reads this, enjoy this post yah. i just got reminisced to it because it happened on have fun and please enjoy your sunday. tschuss ~

= )

and keep on spreading that sweetness of your smile everyday and to everyone. LOVE.

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