Monday, February 28, 2011

pig-shit! that's what i called it y'all!

mr F says : just my advice to you lar.....nasihatkan dia..i mean jgn lah keras-keras sangat...u
know this is like end of month...orang dah gaji kan.nanti kalau keras-keras sangat
dengan dia takut dia jadi rebellious plak..u know kang dia terus tak balik-balik.

kasi bom lah itu babi banyak berak lah sekarang ~!

aaahhhh for god's sake lah mr F..since when did she is not a rebel? since when did she wears a tag 'innocent and fragile kid, handle with care' ? bullshit!
everyday i have to listen to this lame-crappy-cheapsales-joke haaa??????

p/s : nak menipu biar ada class! because we human aren't idiots *oppppsssy* like you guys. shame on you! boooooo!

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