Friday, September 24, 2010

just another..L-A-M-E update ~

she thinks she is good at she starts blogging...BUT when she blogs ~ it ended up with just two lame posts...yet she is ~~~~ a good writer...but it seems like lately...the skill is just unpolished or can't be matter how hard she EVERYDAY she wanted to...she just failed..turned down and just stop.

what happened?????

well..NOTHING's happenning! that is why ~! it is almost five months of journey [ of ohhhh a very chalengging..rough..hard..awesomely downgrading.. ]....still not much promises...and the one and only thing that is stable now is just

F-A-M-i-L-Y : the one she holds on to and the one who give unconditionally supports no matter what . = )

though...she starts to believe that something BIG and special is gonna happen..the signs is there but often..oftenly signs are merely signs of nothing so she thoughts ~ 'hang on there sweetheart...take it slow..take it just easy'...nothing can happen with NOTHING.


so..... she is actually waiting.............................


Unknown said...

hahahha...i noe ur feeling~
well u have say something to me before.."its HARD to handle the truth~" yes its truly true dear~~v_v

but..kita kena laluinye coz dat hardship will bring us to happiness end of the day~

but..i believe dat u can handle it coz i noe u..

sometimes i wish dat im become like u...

happy owez as in no problem in handling life...then,i realize dat kamu da lalui so many hardship in urlife then only u become who u r..

^_^ kamu telah memberi saya seribu satu kelainan dalam melalui hidup ini...

saya percaya ur waiting will be paid someday...

i love u!

LA dot zaByre said...

thank u so much laida.
so sweet of you.

ps : the world wont share our problems that is why we need to wear a smile every time.because the world does not need to know our problems.because it wont just be happy no matter how much pain you have inside. =D