Friday, April 15, 2011

sayang..sayang ku!

i want to sing a birthday song.
to this lovely niece of mine. heee.
it is her birthday today. she's officially 12!
she's so excited and she sent me a voicemail...
reminding me to buy her a present.
*kemain tau budak2 sekarang main mintak-mintak pulak.nasib baik lah sayang. if tak... huh *

and i did! sssshhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!

Dear Nurazira Farhana binti Nurazman....
this is your aunt Tia Lalalalalalaala..
singing a song...

happy birthday to you....happy birthday to you....happy birthday to..kakak!
happy birthday to you.....~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

with love,
Tia. will always always always Love you. will always be there for you.

p/s : cool apa dapat Tia cam nih huh? hahaha. muwahhhxxx!

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