Saturday, October 02, 2010

watch your distance.

we were heading to the and my sister.she was driving.same route same road that we everyday drove through.keeping the usual fast pace like normal when suddenly the front car's break light was on.vibrant RED!!!!!!! what the heck!!!!!! it was almost like stopping. our car almost reach the back of that particular was damn very much closed! thank goodness we are fine and so is the car.but it crossed my mind in that moment..

never gets too close.though how confident i am with the situation.always watch my distance because we never car can just stop suddenly.if bad luck crashed.if worst? u could imagine what..

the shock i could have would be breath-taking...heartbeat-taking.the effect is immediate intense!

the philosophy side of mine then the same can happen in faith, believe and trust.

and now i'm learning to always watch my distance.never gets too close to people.never.eventhough how positive the energy promising the situation is.because i would never know.however confident i am that things are going very well.smoothly.things are going out right.and that i am good.still...keep the right safe distance.never too close.

likewise, when 'the car' a sudden.intensely in an instant moment without prior signs, when 'the driving' was believed to be very smooth ; the result could be very BAD!and at this very moment in life..i know that i cannot afford a crash, i cannot afford injuries, and i cannot imagine anything worse.

so now i'm telling myself. whatever crashed i had. i had ~. living in the future.i must not follow any closer.i would not follow too close.i would keep my distance.i would keep the right and safe that i know i am following the rule and that i am being careful.if anything bad still is really fate.

eventhough sometime we follow close enough because we know that in some particular junction there is no right and no reason for a car in front to hit the break.but if it does, it does.we are at it or not!

so nur sheila zabiri from today onwards vows 'I will watch my distance and keep it right'.

keeping my soul safe ~ :-)

1 comment:

LA dot zaByre said... those who don't posses a philosophy senses. this story here is really not about driving and tail gating. it beneath that.dig it out okay. =)